How it works
NFT Arena is composed of two major components: the game app, developed with Unity, and a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain.
The purpose and role of the smart contract is to provide a gateway for assets to go back and forth in a secure and publicly transparent way.
The app instead handles game logic and all other in-app actions. This means playing the game results in no on-chain action, and therefore no gas costs.
Later versions will feature multichain compatibility and the bridging of assets.
NFTs to replace game assets
Let's start from a couple premises you should know to understand how this works:
Staking an NFT on our smart contract means locking it in the system.
Non Fungible Tokens are unique and irreplaceable data files (can be images, videos, audio, etc.).
Unique cards to be used in the game(s) are created whenever a new NFT enters the system.
What this means is that when you stake an NFT on the smart contract, you pay the gas cost, and the app generates a new unique card featuring the unique data of the NFT.
This is an in-game copy of your NFT, that represents specifically your unique NFT, which still remains locked on the contract. The NFT Card (the copy), is the asset you use to play the game, which is why there are no gas costs associated with taking in-game actions.
Winning/losing NFTs
In Casual mode you can play free of costs and risks forever, but in some game modes, you can win or lose NFTs from your opponents.
Winning (or losing) NFT cards from your opponents means that you come into possession of an asset that is used to claim a specific NFT associated with it from the contract.
Unstaking NFTs
You can trade any card you are in possession of back for the original NFT its tied to and have it sent to your wallet. When this happens, the card version is stored, until the same NFT is deposited again.
Rarity, Value and Attributes
When you stake an NFT to make it into a card, the smart contract will assign "power" attributes to your NFT. There are 5 categories of cards: common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary.
The level of your NFT cards will depend on both qualitative and quantitative factors associated with the NFT, such as rarity and value. Obviously the more rare and valuable an NFT is, the higher the chance of a "legendary" card.
Details will be added to this section in due time.
Last updated
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